Tuesday, July 16, 2013


Vacation Bible School has started and life is busy! As the craft director I find myself focused on interacting with kids, preparing the materials, and helping the children make of the craft. One kid in particular has meant the world to me these past two days. His name is Patrick. 

Every now and then as I rush from task to task, trying to keep on top of the busy schedule and the changing of plans, I would look down and see Patrick hugging at my leg. His big brown eyes would be staring up at me with his pearly whites grinning my way. In the moment, I was unable to give as much attention to Patrick except for a quick hug. But in those moments that he hugged me I felt Jesus. His loving presence and sense of peace felt like God's way of reminding me- "It's ok, Rose. I've got it all under control. It's ok."  

Monday, July 15, 2013

The beginning of Ft. Myers

Kristin and Ashly super excited about the steak with salsa Pastor Mady made for us. Ymmmm!

Pastor David getting techy and video taping Kassidy.

....and Kassidy made a friend in the process! (a lovely prop for our Medieval themed VBS) 

Participant Josh putting helping set up a webcam. 

Wonderful group of people who went out after church.

Delicious Peruvian food- chicken with yellow sauce. 

My buddy Triston showing off his fish and fries. 

The Team (plus Triston)! Kristin, Josh, Ashlyn, Kassidy, and myself.

Wednesday, July 10, 2013

Jumping into Experience

And the time has come! Tomorrow morning, bright and early, I leave for Ft. Myers, Florida for 2 1/2 weeks. While there I will be worshiping with Iglesia Arca de Salvacion, serving with four other Youth Venture participants in whatever form needed, and eating lots and lots of tasty Latino food. As I take time to stop, breathe, and reflect before hitting the road, I am reminded that such experiences are a blessing. And that service, in whatever capacity, is an opportunity to build relationship, see where God is at work, and learn more about ourself along the way. I would appreciate prayer for our team (two of us leaders and three participants) as we enter this journey together. Thanks!

Tuesday, July 9, 2013

Convention 2013

Final scene of No Roosters in the Desert being put on for the last time.

I am really thankful for the opportunity to have gone to convention. Even though I have been going to convention for most of my life, I found myself experiencing and taking it in this time around in a different way. This time I entered convention with a deeper desire to enter in on the conversation. A deeper longing for unity within the church. A deeper conviction that I am being called to be an active member in the body of Christ. I was reminded this time around that the church is indeed broken but that God continues to direct our gaze back towards community. That we find identity from one another and purpose from our meeting together. 

It is my desire to continue growing in my own strengths and abilities in order to more fully serve God, the church, and the world. To take the vision and gusto that I received from convention to become more deeply rooted in my desire for Christ. 

Thursday, July 4, 2013

Thoughts from the Desert

A glimpse into my experience at Mennonite Church USA's Convention in Phoenix, Arizona.

 The natural beauty of the desert. I love seeing and experiencing new contexts because of the way God meets us in new and unexpected ways there.

Spending quality time with the cast of "No Roosters in the Desert". A spunky bunch who share a passion for sharing the stories of immigrants. 

This is what the EMU booth in the convention center looks like when they offer free awesome tank tops to youth. Utter chaos. But in a good way.

My favorite part of the set of "No Roosters in the Desert". A replica of a shrine set up in the desert for lives lost on their journey to the U.S. 

I surely consider myself a 'write when the spirit leads' kind of blogger, which can explain my sparatic blogging style. This morning I was feeling the need to, as stated in an old Paraguayan saying, let my soul catch up with me. By listening to that nudge, I hope to best reflect and apply what I have learned from my life experiences. More reflection on Phoenix to come. :) 

Monday, May 28, 2012

May Happenings

"I believe in Christ like I believe in the sun- not because I can see it, but by it I can see everything else"
-C.S. Lewis

Some places I have seen Him....


one of my best friends getting married

the relaxing pace of studying at Greenberries

gorgeous sunset after a successful day

early morning strawberry picking with Mom

thought provoking reading by McLaren and Nouwen

Yep- May has been a good one. Next big adventure- train trip to Michigan!!

Friday, May 25, 2012

Exploring Ministry

This summer I have the opportunity to participate in the Ministry Inquiry Program  at EMU. For this internship I will be working at Highland Retreat as a staff chaplain and Christian nurture coordinator. When applying for the internship, I was unsure how qualified I was for the role, but nonetheless excited to learn and grow in a new way. By taking the step to apply for the job, I was in my own little way taking a leap of faith.

I recently came across a story in 2 Kings 2 that talks about the start of Elisha's ministry. In the story, Elisha is traveling with Elijah before he is taken into heaven. As they continue on their journey, three times Elijah tells Elisha to stay somewhere because the Lord called Elijah to go. But each time Elisha replies by saying "As surely as the Lord lives and you yourself live, I will never leave you!". When the time comes, Elijah ask what he can do for Elisha before he is taken away, and Elisha replies "Please let me inherit a double share of your spirit and become your successor" (vs.9). And from this place Elisha picks up Elijah's cloak when he ascends into heaven in his chariot of fire, beginning his own ministry from what he learned from Elijah.

SO why did I just share that whole story? Well- in the same way that Elisha continued to follow his teacher, I too have followed in the ways of  leaders around me. Much of my life I have been a listener, which is good and which I plan on continuing. But how strong is ones faith if they never have the chance to practice what they have learned? Now is my chance to develop what I have learned and dig deep into the challenge, as we are all called to do!

My challenge for us all is how are we choosing to practice what we have learned for the benefit of spreading God's kingdom? Are living out the lives God has planned for us?